Subscriptions:Pay for your first 8-week subscription (after for every 4 week period) and you will automatically be awarded with additional amount of your payment. That amount will go to your own profile in CGB system for future subscription and more. Enter and choose your option here.
Welcome to a WEEKLY thrill with
more than 500 million EUR / USD *Subscription types:
Net winnings which exceed €99.99 after deduction of state taxes (if those are applicable) as well as corresponding foreign exchange rate, are weekly paid out to the members, in line with shares of participation in a game. Smaller winnings are accumulated in player's balance and paid out in the week when the member’s balance reaches the amount of €100 or more.
Pay for your basic-level subscription to the game of nnnLotto at a price of €12.50 per week, for a period of 8 weeks (total for €100) you get a part of the pool of 237 line combination chances per week in 4 different lottos which are numbered in the picture at the top. Each pool is divided in 50 Standard stakes or equivalent. IMPORTANT NOTE ON PROVISIONAL MANNER OF CALCULATING nnnVOUCHERS for nnnLOTTO PROGRAMIn order to enable members to achieve the highest possible profits early in the program nnnLotto, there wil be a temporary enrollment of profiles (nnnVouchers) calculated with PRO subscription only (€ 1.00 per week). All the remaining difference will be paid to members, according to the rules. All other published rules are regularly applied.
Once a member, in its first (or top) registered profile nnnLotto only, achieves at least €10,000 in nnnVouchers, the system will be then able to proceed with adding all the net amount to the subscription amount for nnnLotto, what shall increase the chances of winning markedly. For each market / country, CGB witholds the right to temporary take measure or to abolish these rules without prior notice, and apply regular published rules. |